Risk Disclosure

Risk Disclosure 

The information on this website, the events, meetings and coachings that are organized by MEDKAP Investor Association are not intended as financial advice. We are not accountants nor financial advisors and do not substitute for financial advice from a professional that is familiar with your personal situation.


Risk Warning 

Startup investments are high risk activities. You can lose your investment in full. It can take many years until a return is realized, if at all, and the investments are not easily tradable (illiquid). Expect failures before successful returns. You are fully responsible for your actions and decide completely alone in which startup you want to invest (deal by deal).

Deals are restricted to members that successfully complete a KYC process and fully understand the risks involved with startup investments.

Valuations of startups are highly subjective and it is difficult to determine the magnitude of risk or the likelihood of success on an individual deal level.

There may be tax risks involved. You should consult your local tax advisor for information about the tax consequences in your jurisdiction regarding the purchase of private equity assets.

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